PipeWire  0.4.1
Media Session Module: Default Profile

The default profile module restores a previously saved profile or otherwise the best available profile.

The module tracks the SPA_PARAM_Profile parameter on devices (excluding Bluetooth devices). When the profile is changed by an external party (e.g. pavucontrol), that profile is written to the state file. In the future, when the active profile is "off", the previously saved profile (if available) is restored.

If no saved profile exists, the best profile is restored. The rules for determining the best profile are:

  • the highest-priority available profile, or, if no profiles are available,
  • the highest-priority profile with availability unknown, or, if no such profile exists,
  • the "off" profile.
The special profile named "pro-audio" is excluded from the above search.

Module-specific properties

This module stores its state in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pipewire/media-sesssion.d/default-profile:

  • default.profile.$devicename = { "name": "$profilename" }: stores the default profile for $devicename

See also

See spa_param_availability for availability values.